Tag: sub press

  • FanArt Contest: Valentine

    Every Friday a new piece of artwork from the fanart contest will be posted on this website! Valentine by Kelsey Zilowar “This one is a far-far-far-far and highly improbable future AU where Temeraire and Iskierka have learned to get along peacefully.” — Naomi

  • FanArt Contest: Forward Woman

    Every Friday a new piece of artwork from the fanart contest will be posted on this website! Forward Woman by Kelly Nugent “In the spirit of equal time (see Kaelyb’s art), I might make this a not-fade-to-black scene for Laurence and Jane, set in the first book.” — Naomi

  • FanArt Contest: Dragon With Pearl

    Every Friday a new piece of artwork from the fanart contest will be posted on this website! Dragon With Pearl by Katie Gaubatz “A legend Tharkay tells Laurence on board the Allegiance, during the long journey to Australia.” — Naomi

  • FanArt Contest: Kulingile and Demane

    Every Friday a new piece of artwork from the fanart contest will be posted on this website! Kulingile and Demane by Karena Kliefoth “A missing scene with Demane and Kulingile set in Australia, from between Tongues of Serpents and Crucible of Gold.” — Naomi

  • FanArt Contest: Glad for the Company

    Every Friday a new piece of artwork from the fanart contest will be posted on this website! NOTE: This is a cropped version of an explicit sexual scene found if the image is clicked on. If you are not over 18 years old, do not click on it! You have been warned! Glad for the…

  • FanArt Contest: Great Wall

    Every Friday a new piece of artwork from the fanart contest will be posted on this website! Great Wall by John O’Brien Schroeder “A missing scene from Throne of Jade in China. ” — Naomi

  • FanArt Contest: Steampunk Universe

    Every Friday a new piece of artwork from the fanart contest will be posted on this website! Steampunk Universe by Erica Lange “An AU of Throne of Jade where Laurence and Temeraire come to China and find not just lots of dragons but airships. (Which I am now heartbroken to not have actually done in…

  • FanArt Contest: Captain Lizzie Bennet In Tiberia

    Every Friday a new piece of artwork from the fanart contest will be posted on this website! Captain Lizzie Bennet of Tiberia by Élise Perreault “The story for this one is actually going to be the longest of the collection, because having seen this picture I now can’t NOT write Captain Elizabeth Bennet’s story…!” —…

  • FanArt Contest: The Ballad of Mulan

    Every Friday a new piece of artwork from the fanart contest will be posted on this website! The Ballad of Mulan by Angela Hsieh “The ballad of Mulan in the Temeraire universe.” — Naomi

  • FanArt Contest: Reading

    Every Friday a new piece of artwork from the fanart contest will be posted on this website! Reading by Amy Thompson “A moment between Laurence and Temeraire in Empire of Ivory, set in France just before they go back to England to face the charges of treason.” — Naomi