Book Trailer: Crucible of Gold

Crucible of Gold by Naomi Novik is published in fine US bookstores tomorrow, March 6, 2012!

6 responses to “Book Trailer: Crucible of Gold”

  1. Messy trailer. I expected something better. The book sounds splendit but the trailer doesn´t.

  2. Nice trailer here. But I won’t get the book before the march, 22nd-29th, even if I pre-ordered it in february, 18th… not living in english language country…

  3. when does Crucible of Gold will be published mass market paper back? I still have to wait another half year I suppose. Why does it take so long for foreign bookstores to order english copies?

    • Crucible of Gold will be in paperback in about a year, maybe 10 months. As for foreign bookstores, you’ll have to contact them and ask. That’s entirely up to them. :)

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