FanArt Contest: Absinthe

Every Friday a new piece of artwork from the fanart contest will be posted on this website!

Amanda Casperson — This one I’m not quite sure of yet! It’s a Lien story, but I’m not sure if it’s a Roaring Twenties AU or a fantasy AU or possibly a futurefic set in the Temeraire universe.

Each of these weekly pieces of art will be a part of a small, Subterranean Press hardcover with a 16-page full color gallery, and it will include a total of 32 pieces, with about 20,000 words total of new fiction included. I will probably end up combining and writing slightly longer stories for more than one piece, but each one will at least get a drabble’s-worth to its name!

Sub Press will produce a limited edition of 400 leatherbound copies signed by me (probably around $45), and somewhere between 1000-2000 hardcovers (around $20-25). And I will eventually be putting up the stories themselves online at least once the book sells out, so if these are out of your range, do not fear! You will get to read the stories! The book should hopefully be out before the end of this year, but we’ll see.

To be notified when this book goes on sale, join the Sub Press newsletter HERE!

Until next week!


8 responses to “FanArt Contest: Absinthe”

  1. Technically absinthe was an 1800s thing, not a 1920s thing. It was banned in the US in 1912. It was, however, very popular in France in the 1840s.

    That said, I would be interested in an AU Roaring 20s America, along with various curiosities…Titanic? Dragons and booze? Prohibition? Al Capone?

    • I suddenly now have this terrible desire to see the depiction of Temeraire’s first experience with alcohol and getting drunk.

  2. Well, I know absinthe is still available in the UK. Don’t know about china or france though. But I love the picture and the way Lien has draped herself around it. Can’t wait for crucible of gold!!! And also, I vote futurefic!!!!

  3. I vote for futurefic too… maybe Lien will lead a company in England or France, who know? :p

  4. It’s very strange to think that Temeraire would most likely still be alive and kicking today while Lawrence would have been dead over 100 years.

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