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Character Profile

Name: Messoria
Date of Birth: Older and more experienced than Temeraire
Breed: Yellow Reaper
Captain: Sutton
National Loyalty: Britain
Appearance: Golden middleweight
Special Abilities:
Status: Active


Messoria is a more experienced dragon who has been put in Lily's formation along with Dulcia and Nitidus to balance out the inexeperienced Lily, Temeraire and Maximus. She is a small dragon but "wily."

Messoria is also afflicted with the dragon plague, but along with the rest of Lily's formation, is sent to Africa aboard the HMS Allegiance to find a cure. William Laurence spends the evenings reading to Temeraire from his books and is surprised to find that Messoria quickly comprehends the geometric theory that he himself had trouble with. Indeed, all the members of the formation soon begin having in-depth discussion on theories like parallel lines, giving credence to Temeraire's assertions that all dragon's are very intelligent.

She is about 40 years old.