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Strangerface, do you happen to recall where these were mentioned? I can't find it!


For some reason I think it's BPW. But all I really remember about it specifically is that there should be accent marks over Vocifere but I didn't know how to do them. I will look when I get home from work today. -- Strangerface 12:54, 19 October 2006 (PDT)

I found it. It's in the excerpt from book 4 at the end of BPW. "[Gherni] had dropped onto the back of a startled French Chasseur-Vocifere: a courier beast of scarcely four tons, who could not bear up under even her slight weight, and was sinking in the air despite a frantic beating of its wings." There's no page number but it's the top of the fourth page of the excerpt. -- Strangerface 20:28, 19 October 2006 (PDT)

Ah, no wonder I couldn't find it :)
