Dragons in America

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Dragons during the Revolutionary War

The British Aerial Corps sent dragons against the rebels during America's Revolutionary War. Gentius was a Longwing who saw action there. According to William Laurence, the Americans had no Aerial Corps of their own, so it is not known how the revolutionaries countered Britain's dragons. It can be assumed that they got their aerial support from other nations as was done to supplement America's lack of a Navy.

Native American Dragons

The United States initially had no Aerial Corps. Dragons were native to the Americas, though they were mostly in the control of the Native American peoples. An example was, the dragon seen by Laurence and Temeraire on the HMS William of Orange in late 1805 was referred to by Sutton as "Dakota". The name suggests that the dragon and his rider were members of the easternmost branch of the Sioux people.

It was said, that following the attack by the Tswana Kingdom, that the Americans were rapidly building Aerial Corps of their own, with the aid of the native tribes. William Laurence was told by Jacob Chukwah (whose brother was an aviator) that the Americans were breeding dragons at a frantic pace. In 1808-1809, the Iroquois hatched 32 dragons in New York alone. The Chumash native Americans in California were also known to have dragons capable of flying across the Rocky Mountains.

See also: Dragons in Canada