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Character Profile

Name: Mortiferus
Date of Birth:
Breed: Longwing
Captain: St. Germain
National Loyalty: Britain
Appearance: Blue with black/white/yellow-orange wing tips
Special Abilities: Acid spitter
Status: Active


Mortiferus (Latin for "deadly") was a Longwing formation leader. As of early 1805, Mortiferus and Captain St. Germain were stationed with Excidium in the English Channel, but they were sent to Cadiz after the French Vice Admiral Villeneuve and his fleet were penned up there by the British in August 1805. At the Battle of Trafalgar, Mortiferus and his formation supported the southern column of British ships.

Like Lily and Excidium, Mortiferus caught the Dragon Plague that circulated among the British dragons after Trafalgar and had to be isolated, as Longwings unintentionally spit some acid each time they sneeze.

Mortiferus had a yellower cast to his wing-tips that distinguished him from other Longwings.

His name is based on the Latin mortifer, which literally means "bringer of death".