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Lloyd first appeared in Victory of Eagles as the grounds-keeper at Pen Y Fan, the breeding ground located in Wales.  His tasks mostly consisted of feeding the dragons and arranging for their mating.  One would assume that Lloyd also harvested the eggs that the dragons laid on the grounds.  Sometimes he would play the guide for visitors who had special interest in meeting certain dragons in return for a tip. 
When Temeraire set out with the rest of the dragons at Pen Y Fan to fight Napoleon after the French invasion of Britain, Lloyd reluctantly agreed to follow the band of rogue dragons and support them with a steady supply of cows.  He and a number of the cow herders were swayed by the dragons' argument that this was not only the best way to keep their pay but also have a share in the prizes that the dragons captured.  Lloyd was later instrumental in convincing a number of militamen to join Temeraire's band of fighters by pressing upon them a sense of duty, although his main priority was probably to secure more hands to relieve him with supporting the dragons. 
Initially Lloyd's attitude towards the dragons under his charge was one of benign condescension.  However, his interactions with Temeraire forced him to be more respectful--especially after Temeraire demanded that Lloyd address him as "sir".
[[Category:A-Z|Lloyd (grounds-keeper)]]
[[Category:British|Lloyd (grounds-keeper]]
[[Category:People|Lloyd (grounds-keeper]]

Revision as of 23:32, 4 September 2009